Our previous outlook on Climate Change

Moo and Me are passionate about sharing the MoOosage of awareness in treading with a lighter environmental Foot-and FOOD-prints. Our initial process to gather the facts took us down a dark rabbit hole that made us wonder why people aren’t driven to change when they experience information as being negative. So that’s when, with the […]
The next step: co-creating a healthy planet

How to grow your own food

Vegan, Plant-Based, or not..that is the question..and which questions to be asking! IMPORTANT POST!

There are a few separate aspects to the food we put into our bodies and these are the main questions you would need to ask yourself to determine (according to your bio-individuality as well), what would be the best path for you ahead. I do not want to do a one-size-fits-all blanket prescribe to the […]